22 High-Converting
Lead Magnet Ideas

(And When to Use Them)

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Top-of-Funnel Lead Magnets

Lead Gen Tactics


Cheat sheets

A downloadable PDF that includes a list of tips or steps that will help your audience achieve a quick win.

When to use them

You’re trying to solve a very specific problem or teach a simple concept that can be explained in one page.



A multi-page report or guide that allows you to dive deeper into your topic.

When to use them

You have a complicated subject that requires more explaining than a cheat sheet can provide.

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Longer guides that can range anywhere from 5,000 to over 100,000 words.

When to use them

You already have an ebook that you’re comfortable giving away for free, or you have a very broad subject you need to describe.



An online quiz users can take, either as a fun exercise or to help them determine which of your products or services would best suit their needs.

When to use them

You need to gather information about your audience, or you want to segment your leads.



Live or prerecorded video presentations that allow you to demonstrate your product or teach a concept.

When to use them

You’re trying to explain a more complex topic or you want to connect with your audience.


Interactive tools

A free tool or application that users can access on your website to solve a problem or simplify a task.

When to use them

Your audience needs to perform the same mundane task over and over again and you think you can build a tool to make it easier for them.



A list related to your business, industry, product, or service.

When to use them

Your audience often asks you for recommendations or suggestions and you want a resource you can direct them to.


Podcast and video transcripts

Written transcripts of your existing podcast and video content.

When to use them

You already produce podcasts and videos and want to give your audience another way to consume this content.


Audio versions of blogs

Audio recordings of your popular blog posts.

When to use them

Your audience enjoys audio content and you have some high-performing blogs you think would work well as an audio presentation.



Slide presentations on topics related to your industry, products, or services.

When to use them

You have existing slide presentations you’ve used in the past that you think your audience would benefit from.


Your personal routine

An outline of a daily routine you use to help you achieve your goals.

When to use them

You’re teaching a skill or trying to help your audience complete a task that requires a lot of discipline.

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Mid-funnel lead magnet ideas

mid-funnel lead magnet ideas



An outline or pre-made design that helps your audience complete a task quickly.

When to use them

You already have templates that you use in your business, or your audience is trying to complete a task that you think you can simplify by building a template.


Top resources or tools

This is a list of your favorite tools, apps, websites, and books that you’ve used and would like to recommend to your audience.

When to use them

You get a lot of questions about what you use for specific tasks or what you recommend to build certain assets.



A smaller course that focuses on a specific problem or subject.

When to use them

You’re helping people solve a problem that requires multiple steps or more in-depth explanations.



Graphics that help people visualize data and more complicated information.

When to use them

You have an important data point that you think would benefit from a visual representation.


Assessments or audits

A service you offer where you review someone’s business (or a part of their business) and offer recommendations.

When to use them

You run a service-based business and you want to show potential customers the value you can provide.


Product sample

A section or small piece of your product that gives people a taste of what they can expect from the full version.

When to use them

You have a larger product that you’re willing to share a small part of with your audience for free.

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Bottom-of-funnel lead magnet ideas

Sales Tactics


Free estimates or quotes

A written document or a live call where you provide a custom quote to a prospective customer.

When to use them

You have custom pricing that fluctuates depending on the unique needs of your customers.


Free consultations

A live presentation where you walk potential customers through everything you can provide for a business.

When to use them

You have higher-ticket services that require you to build trust with your audience before they’re willing to commit.


Product demos

A live or pre-recorded walkthrough of your product, its features, and how it works.

When to use them

You sell a high-ticket product (or a more complicated product) that requires a walkthrough in order to demonstrate its value.



A discount code that can be used to save money on your products and services.

When to use them

You have people who are close to becoming customers and you feel a drop in price will be enough to convince them to press the buy button.


Case Studies

A story of someone using your product or service that showcases the results that can be achieved by becoming your customer.

When to use them

Your audience has doubts about whether or not your product or service works and you need to give them proof that you can deliver on your promises.


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